5 questions about cats and dogs food asked to a veterinarian

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It is not recommended to give cooked food to your dog. And this, for several reasons: the calorific proportion is disproportionate for a dog. The dog is an animal which is able to assimilate household food, but it is very complicated to respect the balanced rations for him.

It is best to avoid giving them leftovers, as well as bones, which can cause choking. In addition, a dog accustomed to eating at your table will be very reluctant to spend a day with kibble, even if necessary for its survival.

Veterinarians recommend respecting the types of food for each member of your family. In the same way that it is not possible to give a piece of steak to a newborn baby, your dog needs his own food for his well-being.

How many treats can you give to a cat or dog per day

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