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The weaning of a kitten is an essential stage of its existence, which must be carried out well, in particular by its mother which teaches it little by little to become independent. When a kitten is weaned too early, it can have a major impact on its future life.
Weaning consists of moving from the liquid feed that is the mother's milk to a solid feed of adult animals, namely kibbles and mash. This transition takes place step by step and not suddenly, to allow the mother to gradually teach her little ones to gradually detach themselves from her.
Weaning starts from the age of 4 weeks, that is to say when the little kitten begins to wake up. It is then time to offer him a solid diet, based on mash and / or kibble for kittens, more flexible, possibly soaked in milk to make them more digestible. By gradually discovering its universe, the kitten naturally tends to put its nose in the bowl of its mother, who must be fed with kibble for kittens in order to cover her needs during lactation. Adaptation is thus facilitated. Over the days, the little one will eat more and more kibbles and less and less milk.
It is only around the age of 12 weeks that the mother stops weaning by repelling her young. No longer able to produce enough milk for everyone, she lets them feed themselves, which is why the weaning period must have been respected. The little ones are now fully autonomous and able to take care of themselves.
Weaning an abandoned kitten
If you are picking up a kitten that has not yet been weaned, be sure to complete it to avoid it being interrupted too early. If he is less than 4 weeks old, give him formula milk using a kitten bottle.
When he starts chewing on the bottle nipple, it is a sign that he is ready to start weaning. Then offer him solid food, in the form of mash or croquettes soaked in formula. As the days go by, increase the amount of solid food and reduce the amount of milk. Pay attention to the kitten's needs throughout the weaning period to ensure that it is properly accompanied.
Other kitten weaning achievements
Kitten weaning is not just a period of food weaning. It is indeed the moment when the kitten wakes up, discovers its environment and learns from its mother. The latter teaches him about cleanliness, in particular to make his needs in his litter and to cover them to reduce odors, but also to make his toilet by licking.
Weaning also teaches the kitten to restrain its strength. Indeed, during games with his brothers and sisters, he tends to nibble and pull out the claws. His mother teaches him to control himself so that these gestures cannot hurt. This step is fundamental to teach the kitten to socialize.
To preserve the weaning of cats, the law regulates the adoption of pets since 1999. Indeed, article L. 214-8 of the Rural Code prohibits the adoption of a kitten before the age of 8 weeks for not to hinder this decisive period of his life. Unfortunately, the rules are still bypassed by unscrupulous breeders and by individuals who want a younger animal at all costs, in defiance of its well-being.
What are the consequences of early kitten weaning