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diet in general these have a unique eviltexture that removes plaque and tartarfrom the tooth surface as youJews both prescription andnon-prescription dental diets areavailable we recommend having a chattyaver about which one suits your pet bestnumber three dental shoes and bones ifyour dog uses dental chews and bonescorrectly they can actually do a lot theway it works is through the mechanicalscraping of the tooth surface removingplaque and tartar similar to brushinglong-lasting dental treat are bestbecause the longer your pet chews on itthe more of that brushing action theyget keep in mind these only work if yourdog chews on both sides of the mouthagainst each surface of every toothnumber four mouth rinses and wateradditives there are some greatantibacterial mouth rinse is availablewhich can even be applied directly intothe mouth or soaked onto the toothbrushyou can even use them on a cloth or alittle cotton tip and wipe down theteeth that way what about what ad it iswell water additives won't reversedental disease that your pet already hasbut they can help to slow the growth ofbacteria and help freshen the breathnumber fivedental toys just like chews gentle toyswork by mechanically removing plaquefrom the tooth surface as they do dentaltoys are often flavored and they usuallylast a little bit longer than an edibletreat number six a yearly scale andpolish at your vet this is recommendedfor every pet but it's particularlyimportant for cats and those dogs whodon't tolerate having their teeth brushas well as those dogs that don'teating dry food your pet can perform afull scale and polish under generalanesthesia and really clear out any tireunder that gum line well that's it fromme I hope that's been helpful thanks