Pet Care How to take care of a kitten or cat

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A number of factors contribute to your cat's well-being and if you see it right from the first day, you will make sure your cat is healthy and adapting well to its new home.

Important elements

When you bring your cat home for the first time, you will need some basic items. These include:

Baskets: A comfortable berth where the kitten or cat will be comfortable and secure. Choose a place high up, preferably, in a place where the kitten will feel safe, away from drafts or areas where there is too much coming and going.
Litter trays: It should be deep enough, but not too deep so as not to dissuade the kittens from using it. Also consider buying a small shovel to remove the stool.
Bowls of water: A bowl of fresh water should be available to your cat at all times. Water fountains are a good option since cats particularly appreciate this movement, which encourages them to drink more.
Food bowls: Get a small bowl for kibble and place it far enough from the water bowl so it doesn't get dirty. Alternatively, an interactive food dispenser (puzzles) can be introduced, especially if you have an indoor cat, to provide mental and physical stimulation and satisfy its natural hunting instinct. With these puzzles, a transition period is necessary for your cat to learn how to use them.
A cat tree: An accessory that is both fun and useful for your cat, which will allow it to scratch, climb and hide in complete safety, and which will contribute to the well-being of your cat while respecting its natural instincts.
It is recommended to obtain several of its articles and to scatter them throughout the house to offer several choices to your new cat and allow him to find a quiet space away from visitors or loud noises, if necessary.


The environment is an important part of your cat's health and well-being. A supportive environment is one in which the cat can become socialized safely without too many problems, which helps it get used to the people and things around it.

Even when very young, your cat will organize and mark its territory. This is where he will sleep, play, hunt, feed, hide, climb and be cuddled. In his home, your cat organizes his life around four areas that you must respect to avoid behavioral problems, especially if it is an indoor cat.

Meal areas: They should be in quiet places, away from its litter box and your own dining area. It is best to avoid using the dining room or areas where it could be disturbed and to leave your cat enough space when eating.
Rest area: The location will vary during the day depending on sunlight and heat sources. By nature, cats like to sleep high and often choose the place that suits them best. So make sure your cat has enough free space to choose.
Toilet area: The litter box should be placed in a quiet and permanently accessible place for your cat, away from its food bowl and places where there is a lot of back and forth. Take care to avoid any source of stress: cats are known to become messy because the litter box was installed next to the washing machine. At least one litter box per cat, plus a spare, is recommended to give each cat a lot of choice and avoid these problems.
Playground: This is the largest living and relaxation area for your cat. It must be a place where he can run, hide or perch high up. Cat trees are great accessories to encourage this activity and promote the health and well-being of your cat.

Indoor cats need a lot of activity to stay physically and mentally stimulated. That means :

lots of toys, rotated from time to time to maintain their interest, objects to climb and hide, and regular periods of play with the family on a daily basis.
Because they groom themselves more and tend to be more sedentary, indoor cats, especially those with long hair, need food that can help them with the hairballs and that is adapted to their weak activity level.
The scratch marks that your cat may leave on your furniture or walls may not be welcome. However, scratching is a natural behavior and it is important to give your cat places to do so. Plan to have at least one scratch post.


For domestic cats, food consumption depends on several factors. Cats prefer to eat in a quiet place, away from view and predators, with a clear exit route.

Only high quality food, specially prepared for cats, guarantees to provide all the nutrients they need to stay healthy, regardless of their age, breed, lifestyle or sensitivities.

Although we eat a varied diet, frequent and continuous variations are not suitable for digesting cats.
Interactive feeders are a great way to mentally entertain your cat and encourage them to work for their food and exercise their hunting instincts.
Hunting behavior plays an important role in the way cats eat. This is why they tend to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than one or two large meals.
Cats have very high protein requirements, including several essential amino acids, including taurine, which is found naturally only in animal tissue.
Fat is an important source of energy for cats, accounting for a higher proportion of calories than that recommended for humans.
Cats also have very specific needs for vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, which they can only get from their diet.
When he was newborn, your kitten's digestive tract was perfectly adapted to digesting milk specially designed for kittens, but its digestive capacities will change and, in adulthood, it will no longer be able to digest lactose.


Besides being beautiful, a brushed coat contains less dead hair, which means that your cat must remove less when grooming. This method offers the same benefits as the grooming activity which represents on average 30% of your cat's time. When grooming, your cat ingests the falling hair, which leads to the formation of hairballs and sometimes digestive problems.

The coat of longer-haired cats, such as the Persian, should be carefully untangled each day using a good quality comb.
In short and flat-haired cats (such as the Siamese or the Abyssinian), a few energetic help is sometimes enough.
It is recommended to pass a soft brush in the coat once a week in case of medium length coat or of hairs with a thick undercoat (as in maine coon or exotic shorthair).
Oral health

Good oral health begins at the youngest age of your kitten.

When they get home, kittens always have their baby teeth. These baby teeth are quite fragile, dry food should be softer and easier to chew than that of an older cat.
Some wet foods have been specially formulated for kittens, they have an excellent texture and are adapted to their sensitive teeth.
Brushing your teeth is the ideal rule for oral care. It is recommended that you use a cat toothbrush and toothpaste sold by veterinarians.

The health and well-being of your cat involves a wide variety of factors, from preventive vaccines to tablets, including insurance and even sterilization of your pet. Some of these costs are isolated and others must be factored into a recurring budget with food and grooming.

Cats are routinely vaccinated against feline panleucopenia virus, feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus. The vaccination cycle consists of two injections given three to four weeks apart. Your cat may have already received its first injection before reaching home, as the first dose can be given from about nine weeks of age.
Microchipping involves the painless insertion of a microchip under the skin of the neck, which means that any cat shelter or veterinarian can "read" the chip using a handheld scanner. Your veterinarian can perform this procedure during a regular appointment
It is important to prevent your cat from catching fleas, worms or ticks. A good breeder will have started a pest control program early in the cat's life, and most shelters will also start good flea and worm treatment for all of the animals they care for. It is important that you ask the person from whom you receive your kitten or cat what treatments he has received in the past
Sterilization is one of the most responsible decisions an animal owner can make. Cats are traditionally neutered from around six months of age
It is important to have annual checkups with your veterinarian to help avoid health problems and to monitor changes in weight and behavior


Most of a kitten's education takes place during the first six months of its life. Most of the behaviors are acquired during the first three months, thanks to the primordial role of his mother and his brothers and sisters.

This means that when you welcome a cat into your home, your contribution to its basic education is limited, but you still carry responsibilities. Your job is to complete your training in your new environment and fight against unwanted behavior.


Insurance gives you the peace of mind that you will be able to provide the care your cat needs in the event of a problem.

Pet insurers offer different levels of coverage and prices vary based on the age, breed or size and type of cat you own, as well as your geographic location.

Find the right blanket for you and your kitten by:

comparing packages on the Internet;
asking questions of your veterinarian;
consulting magazines dedicated to animals.
At first, it can be tedious to prepare for everything you need to take care of your cat or kitten, but if you start off on the right foot, you will allow it to adapt to its new home and lead a happy and healthy life.

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