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To set up an effective treatment for itching, it is important to identify the origin.
In case of parasites or bacterial infection, the veterinarian prescribes antiparasitic treatments and antibiotics.
In case of fungi, an antifungal treatment will be the most suitable.
In case of allergy or inflammatory reaction of the atopic type, the practitioner turns to corticoids. These products are the most effective in relieving this type of itching, but certain side effects are possible (immune disorders, fragile liver, diabetes mellitus, etc.). In case of a bad reaction, the treatment will be replaced by a solution based on immunomodulators.
Preventing itching
Preventing itching in dogs is not always possible, as it depends on the factor involved. As in humans, some doggies are more sensitive than others for various reasons, including hereditary.
However, it is possible to avoid certain causes of itching by ensuring the well-being and health of your dog on a daily basis. To do this, it is important to provide him with a healthy and quality diet, daily exercises and a healthy environment. The dog's bedding and bowls must be clean and regularly washed (daily for bowls). Avoid contact with toxic and dangerous products by placing them out of its reach.
Be sure to deworm your dog at least every 6 months and give him pest control every 4 weeks. Buy your products at the veterinarian or pet store, but avoid large areas, because the treatments sold there are ineffective or too aggressive.
Finally, in the event of a change of diet, do not replace your dog's food with the new one at once, but proceed in stages, mixing the two for a while, and taking care to gradually increase the amount new food. This will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Likewise, if your pet is allergic to a food or material with which it is in contact, remove the allergen from its environment and its diet.