How to cure an abscess in cats?

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The treatment of the abscess and the response to it will vary according to its degree of evolution.

A recent abscess
A recent abscess triggers the first symptoms of hot, swollen, inflamed skin, with a feverish, tired and excessively licking cat on the affected area.

In this case, the cat can be placed on antibiotic treatment and anti-inflammatory drugs. This is often enough to absorb the abscess and stop the infection.

An old abscess
The old abscess is usually very painful, visible and full of pus. It may give off a foul odor.

To treat it, the veterinarian cuts the pocket of pus with a scalpel. He empties it, cures it, disinfects it and cleans it before closing the wound. The animal can be asleep or not and a collar is installed to prevent it from licking while the wound heals. Care is often necessary for several days to eliminate all traces of infection.

A pierced abscess
An untreated abscess tends to infect the skin around it. This becomes necrotic and the pocket is pierced, releasing the pus.

The veterinarian cleans the wound, removes the necrotic skin and disinfects the abscess before stitching up the incision. It is then important to ensure that it heals well and to disinfect the wound regularly to prevent bacteria from entering it again.

Some untreated or poorly treated abscesses can sometimes infect the entire organism of the cat. Bacteria grow in the blood and spread, reaching all organs. It’s sepsis. The animal then develops many serious disorders, some of which can lead to its death.

It is necessary to consult the veterinarian urgently so that he places the animal under appropriate treatments.

The right gestures to adopt
It is important to prevent the cat from licking its abscess so that it does not get infected. Make sure to keep your pet's vaccinations up to date to avoid certain diseases and protect your tomcat as well as possible from attacks by other animals.

If you notice an abscess, you can place a clean cloth soaked in antiseptic on the wound. Do not touch it anymore and go to the veterinarian as soon as possible to perform the right care.

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