Games to play with your cat

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Playing with your cat is a simple and fun way to enrich his life, to stimulate him and to strengthen the bond that you share. Here are some ideas for games…

1. Hunting for a "prey"
Use a toy to simulate the movement of a prey. By dragging a toy to the ground with a string and pausing regularly like an animal, you encourage your cat to watch and jump like it would in the wild. He will work on his speed and agility while expressing his hunting instinct. It is best to hide the toy until play time to keep your cat interested.

2. The pleasure of catnip
Filling a toy or ball with catnip, or buying an item that already contains catnip, will stimulate your cat's interest in the toy. Be aware, however, that not all cats are attracted to catnip.

3. Chasing a bullet
It's surprising, but many cats love to play this game: run after a ball that you throw and try to catch it. The movements of the bullets simulate the rapid and unexpected movements of a prey. Put a bell inside to get your cat's attention and roll or bounce the ball so he can see and chase it. Some cats are particularly reactive when a ball rolls or is thrown in another room or in a corner.

4. Food games
Puzzles and kibble balls are toys that can hold your cat's food in an interior compartment. By rolling or tapping the toy, your cat can get a few kibbles each time. Using a kibble toy stimulates your cat's urge to hunt and makes him active in finding food. When you pay him his daily food ration, do not forget to deduct the amount already given via the toy.

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