Dog grooming advice

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Pamper your dog! Whatever your pet, grooming is an important act that should not be overlooked, especially for dogs. It keeps your companion clean and stylish all the time. Daily grooming is good for your pet. It’s also a great way to take care of your coat. Sometimes it is difficult to groom your dog, but this article is meant to guide you. Here are some tips and tricks for dolling up your dog.


Since brushing, through oral care and paw care.


Dog grooming should be started by brushing. It is a matter of brushing the hairs in order to remove the dead hairs and the parasites collected during its walk and to untangle the possible knots. For brushing, you must opt ​​for a brush specially designed for dogs, adapted to its size and fur.


Hair inside the ears can block the ear canal and cause ear infections. They should be cleaned and checked at least twice a week to avoid all kinds of infections. For hair removal, you can use tweezers or simply your hand. Ear cleaning should be done with a cotton pad or damp cloth. Avoid cleaning very deeply. A dog's ears are very sensitive.


Your dog's eyes should always be clean. Eye cleaning consists of removing traces of discharge and crusts around the eyes, using a physiological saline solution or a wet cotton pad. To do this, gently cleanse the area around the eyes. Be careful not to confuse the area around the eyes and the surface of the eyes!


According to veterinarians, around 80% of dogs suffer from dental disease. Brushing your teeth is a difficult step. It is best to get your dog used to brushing his teeth very young. Brushing should be done with a toothbrush and special dog toothpaste. It helps prevent tartar and bad odors.


The dog's claws grow very quickly. Remember to regularly trim your claws using a claw cutter so as not to make walking uncomfortable. The claws should not be waited too long before cutting.


•        THE BATH
Among the stages of grooming, the bath is the one that deserves the most attention. This is the essential basis for cleaning. For washing, use a sponge and clean, lukewarm water. Then use a dog shampoo and massage it gently to prevent it from getting upset. We can make 2 shampoos, depending on the dirt. Be careful not to put soapy water in his eyes.


•        DRYING
Drying can be done in the open air or in the dryer but the air should not be too cold or too hot. The dryer is essential if you want to brush the dog. Warning ! When drying with a hairdryer, take care not to hold your device too close to your dog, you may burn it. Do not dry your dog on the ground, place him on a table.


•        MOWING
Dogs need to be clipped every six to eight weeks. You can use a clipper for cutting. It involves cutting the hair on the head, the underside of the pads, the outline of the legs and the tail. The finishing is done with a chisel.



To successfully groom your dog, you must use: an ear cleaner, denatured alcohol, a towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste for pets, a nail clipper for dogs, a collar for the bath, a shampoo for dogs, a sponge and clean, lukewarm water.



The dog needs care, maintenance and hygiene, whether for comfort or health. Hygiene and hygiene are essential elements for your dog from an early age. It is possible to bathe your dog from the age of 3 months. Bathing is an essential factor in balancing your dog's skin. It promotes the removal of toxic substances.


It is important to maintain and groom your dog regularly, at least once a week and preferably on the same day, not only will it be clean, but in addition you can be warned of infections, diseases and all kinds of bacteria

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