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Insurance companies specializing in animal health offer tailor-made solutions so that each cat owner can choose the guarantees that best suit their little companion while being in line with their financial possibilities. There are generally three very distinct formulas, namely:
The basic formula: it's the most economical. It covers 40 or 50% of expenses for hospitalization, surgical procedures, analyzes, imaging examinations, following an accident.
The Comfort or Premium formula: this is an intermediate solution which allows the master to be reimbursed for expenses between 60 and 80%, whether for veterinary procedures linked to an accident or an illness. This type of contract covers surgery, checkups, analyzes and all types of exams, drugs.
The Optimal formula: it is the best in cat insurance since it offers extensive guarantees and excellent coverage in the range of 90 to 100% of expenses incurred following an accident or illness. It also covers the cost of euthanasia and burial, and some insurers pay a lump sum on the death of the cat so that its owner can acquire a new little companion if he wishes.
The Prevention package: it can be added to one of the proposed formulas so that the cat has better coverage. This package allows you to be reimbursed for expenses related to:
A health check,
The vaccination,
The purchase of deworming and pest control products,
Therapeutic food,
it is easy to see that each of these protective devices guarantees a different level of care, which makes it possible to opt for the solution that best meets the animal's needs in terms of health. The master can thus allow his little companion to benefit from the best care in the event of accident or illness, and to be reimbursed all or part of the bill of the veterinarian, the clinic or the pharmacist. send all invoices to the insurance company which is responsible for reimbursing it by bank transfer.
What are the subscription conditions imposed by cat insurance