Cat insurance: how to choose? What mutual insurance tariff?

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Welcoming a cat into his home means offering him the best possible conditions of existence for him to live serenely and be happy with attentive owners. It is also essential to take care of your health by consulting a veterinarian regularly for a routine auscultation, a health check, basic care, vaccination or even sterilization. In the event of a hazard likely to seriously endanger the health of the animal, it must also be possible to have it treated as quickly as possible, even if it can be very expensive.

In France, veterinarians freely apply their rates. In the event of an accident or illness, the acts and medication can represent a significant sum that many owners cannot afford.

For example, if a cat is bitten by a dog, this involves consultation, analyzes, surgery, and the treatment protocol generally includes drug treatment. The total amount to be paid by the owner of the cat injured in this scenario is around € 950. It is a heavy expense, and moreover completely unforeseen, which it is sometimes impossible to cope with. In many similar cases, the masters give up, death in the soul, to have their animal treated. The consequences can be dramatic.

Taking out a cat insurance policy is the best solution to be reimbursed for part or all of the expenses incurred for veterinary care of any type. If he had taken the precaution of insuring his little feline with a mutual insurance company for cats, the owner of the cat injured by bite quoted in our example would have been reimbursed nearly 875 €. He could therefore have treated his little companion because he would have remained at his expense only a paltry sum.

What are the prices for veterinary acts for cats

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