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cats are brave self-confident playfuland affectionate animals but they arealso sensitive with particular fears inthe hatred of certain situations do youwant to know what they are in this videofrom animal wise we discussed the top 10things cats hid so you can bothunderstand your cat better and avoidunnecessary stress or sufferingwater is one of the things many cats hitthe most even if we leave a few dropsfall on their body that are likely toflee in a split second it's important tonote this doesn't happen with all catsand there are some felines you actuallytolerate water very well the reason whymany cats hit water is not wellunderstood but one theory suggests it isdue to the origin of domestic cats asmany come from desert areas in theMiddle East and Asia it is believed alack of contact with water set theirpreference for generations down the linealthough a cat's sense of smell is notas acute as that of a canine it is stillwell developed and they can perceive agreat variety and intensity of odorsthis is why they hit strong smells suchas vinegar onion or gasoline cats liketheir space and to feel free this is whythey generally dislike hugs and kissesas this human display of affection canmake of cat feel trappedforcing a cat to do something they don'twant to can lead to stress anxiety andeven fear this can even result inaggression directed towards us in theform of scratching and biting this doesnot mean cats are not affection animalsit simply means we need to respect theirfeline nature the arrival of strangersto their territory is one of the thingscats hit most if they had beensocialized since they were little theyusually don't present problems withunknown people or animals however mostcats run and hide when someone outsidethe family visits them cats like to feelthey control the environment around themthe arrival of a stranger comes with alot of new smells and signs they haveyet to experience for some this awakensour curiosity but causes fear andinsecurity in Mayscreams firecrackers Lloyd music vacuumcleaners hair dryers storms or ambulancesirens are just some of the signs catshit their sense of hearing iswell-developed making it unsurprisingthat noise is tolerable to us canaggravate them intensely this is anotherreason it is not recommended we shout ator scald a cat for behavior we deemunsuitable will only lead to stressanxiety and resentment positivereinforcement is both a much more humaneand effective way to promote goodbeginning anyone with a cat knows howmuch they like routine and are highlysensitive to change as they need to feelin control of their environment a suddenchange can unbalance them completely soif you have to change something big inyour house or even move to a new oneprepare your cat in advance with thenecessary measures this point is closelyrelated to the previous one in the sameway they hit change cats hit thesurprise factor which humans often enjoyyou may at some point have seen videosof cats being scared by cucumbers butwhat usually happens is now that theyare afraid of the cucumber itself butthe fact they have been able to get soclose to them without being perceivedcauses fear and anxiety they may havethe same reaction with any object theydo not expect to see although it seemsfunny surprising the cat is a way tocreate anxiety and stress so werecommend looking for other healthierways to have fun with themRonde silent slow-moving unable to flyfor cats it is difficult to understandwhat a balloon might be in many casesthey are mistaken for a threat or even apredator by the cat no animal likes tobe stared at for a long period of timeand cats are no exception with theirGuardians they may not show any fear butwith strangers they may feel threatenedand react violently or fleetcats are very clean animals so much sothat a large part of their day isdevoted to self grooming for this reasonthey need their environment to be asclean as they are they hate their litterbox to be dirty their water will notrenewed daily or their toys to be grimywhat is it that your cat hits the mostlet us know about it in the comments ifyou enjoyed the video give us a like andsubscribe to our channel for moreinformative videos we'll see you nexttime