The Best Automatic Fish Feeders (2020 Reviews)

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Eheim Automatic Feeding Unit

Important Features to Consider

Automatic fish feeders should have a few important features. Here’s what to consider when choosing an automatic fish feeder that will take the fuss out of feeding your fish:

  • Food storage capacity. Look for an automatic fish feeder with a food storage container that’s large enough for your requirements. Some automatic fish feeders can hold enough food to last for several weeks of feedings.
  • Analog or digital. Some automatic fish feeders have an analog mechanism, while others feature a digital display. There is no major difference in functionality between the two, but digital automatic fish feeders tend to be easier to set up and use.
  • Power source. Many automatic fish feeders are battery powered, although some can be plugged into your home’s main power supply. In general, battery powered automatic fish feeders are considered to be the safer option.
  • Rechargeable. Some models of automatic fish feeders feature built-in rechargeable batteries. If you plan on using your automatic fish feeder frequently, choosing a rechargeable model can save you money on replacement batteries.
  • Wi-Fi connectivity. Several models of automatic fish feeders can be connected to a Wi-Fi network. If you’d like the option of feeding your fish remotely, a Wi-Fi enabled feeder is an excellent option.
  • Bracket. It’s important to choose an automatic fish feeder with a universal bracket that will fit onto most types of aquariums.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an automatic fish feeder and how does it work

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