9 Best Dog Birthday Cake Recipes

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This year my dog Toby turns four, and I’m bound and determined to make him a dog birthday cake. I’ve been saying that forever, but this is going to be the year it happens, I swear!

To prepare, I scoured Pinterest looking for the best recipes. There are many out there, but these 9 were the best of the best.

1. Banana Carob Oat Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting

10 Best Dog Birthday Cake Recipes

Found at Baked by Joanna 

This adorable dog birthday cake consists of vet-approved ingredients like peanut butter, bananas and carob chips, and is adorned with dog treats for a cute added touch.

2. Healthy Dog Birthday Cake

10 Best Dog Birthday Cake Recipes

Found at The Rodimels 

You wouldn’t know it, but this dog birthday cake is packed with carrots and apples – both awesome human foods full of nutrients for your dog. It’s a win-win!

3. Mini Berry Almond Cake

10 Best Dog Birthday Cake Recipes

Found at Pretty Fluffy 

Doesn’t this cake look like something you would find in a fancy bakery

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